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Featured Review

Unsung Hero Award

President Gordon English spoke to the members attending the September 2 First State Corvette Club meeting about what the officers do in the club. He said,"There is a list of duties in the By-Laws that each officer is suppose to do but one of our officers always seems to be one step ahead and keeps us straight"

The definition of Unsung Hero is one who does great deeds but receives little or no recognition for them.

Gordon surprised long-time secretary Donna Ballard when announcing the award was going to her.

“To say the least, I was very surprised. The plaque was great, I always wanted to be Unsung – according to Bruce, you don’t want to here me Sing. When I had to sit down and make a list of exactly what the Secretaries duties were, I even surprised my self at what all I do.

And I do all I do for the club out of loyalty to the club and its members. Sometime you guys irritate me but I love you all anyway. I will continue to be your favorite PIA in the future and hopefully you put up with me too. Again thanks for the standing ovation – almost made me cry” Donna


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